Anissa Ryland

arylandAnissa Ryland is the Director for The Johnson Center for Child Health and Development. Born and raised in Oklahoma, Anissa began her career in the field of non-profit organizations in New Orleans, where she helped organize benefits featuring local as well as nationally known musicians. Relocating to Washington, DC, she served as the Director of an organization working with business leaders to raise critical funding for an inner-city group that provides affordable housing, job training, child care, and health care for low-income families.

Her son was diagnosed with autism after the family moved to Texas, and she and her husband began researching all aspects of the disorder. They started their child on an intensive education and behavioral program, and traveled around the country learning more appropriate intervention and support.

Prior to joining us, Anissa worked as the Director of Development and served on the Board of Directors of a Dallas, TX school for early intervention for children with autism. In addition to her extensive experience in the non-profit field, as the Director at JCCHD, Anissa brings her experience as a parent of three children to bear on a matter that is close to her heart.

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