News and Notes from The Johnson Center

GrapeUp! Week 3 - All About Bees!

Sarah Song, GrapeUp! Intern | Thu, June 25, 2015 |

This past Saturday, June 20th, we got to learn all about bees at The Johnson Center’s third fantastic Grape Up! Come Together! event.

Bee reading

This week, Sarah the Bee read Bee and Me by Elle McGuinness.  We had our team of American Sign Language interpreters, as well as a Spanish interpreter, who translated as the story was read. Travis taught us all how to sign the word “bee”! 


                                                              Bee signing

We were so lucky to have our own beekeeper, Brandon, from Austin Bees come out to show the kids some bee keeping equipment and answer all of their questions about bees. We learned so much, from bee safety to the bee waggle dance! 


                                                        Kid Beekeeper


After the talk, Sarah the Bee led the newly appointed Little Beekeepers around the playground on a pollination hunt. The kids go to help help “pollinate” the pretty flowers by taking sparkly pieces of “pollen” from one flower to the next.

                                sarah bee

Then the kids got to make their own bees with paper towel rolls, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners. They looked fantastic! 

Making Bees

Everyone even got to write their own bee book (and practiced using our nouns, verbs, and adjectives).

                                                        Bee Schedule

Once again we were lucky enough to have plenty of volunteers so that parents and caregivers were able relax and enjoy the complimentary coffee. 

And of course, the little beekeepers enjoyed their complimentary snacks (thank you, KIND!). 

Bee group shot
We had a great turn out and lots of fun!

                                              Bee child

We hope to see even more families next Saturday, June 27th, when we will be making musical instruments. Come join our band! Click here for more information about Grape Up! Come Together!