News and Notes from The Johnson Center

GrapeUp! Week 2 - Fairy House Fun

Sarah Song, GrapeUp! Intern | Thu, June 25, 2015 |

On Saturday, June 13, the staff from The Johnson Center was joined by over fifty fairies-in-training at Pease Elementary School for another successful Grape Up! Come Together! event.

Fairy Tiffany read from Olivia and the Fairy Princesses by Ian Falconer.  We had a team of American Sign Language interpreters, as well as a Spanish interpreter, who translated as the story was read. We even had a giant version of the book so everyone could read along.

Fairy 1

We even learned how to say “fairy” in sign language!

We loved our magical fairy theme!  The kids searched around the school yard, led by Fairy Tiffany, hunting for secret, magical fairy houses. We found four REAL fairy houses!

Fairy house 1

One fairy was getting ready for a tea party and had cake already set out on the table! 

                                                                  Fairy House 2

The fairies-in-training then got to build their very own magical fairy houses, with lots of glitter, markers, leaves, moss, and flowers.

Fairy group

Before everyone flew away, the kids got to write their own fairy storybook, with a little practice using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

Fairy book 2

                                            Fairy book

There were lots of volunteers on hand to help, so the parents of the fairies-in-training got to sit back and rest with complimentary coffee while their little ones had a great time!

Everyone enjoyed a KIND bar and juice box for a snack while waiting to take their picture with Fairy Tiffany.

Fairy Tiffany

We hope to see even more families as our summer series continues. Click here for the full schedule.