News and Notes from The Johnson Center

Can you help?

JCCHD | Thu, August 21, 2014 | [Community]

In the ten years since we started our work, we have had the privilege of working with amazing children and phenomenal families.  Often we have been with them as they have faced significant health issues, traumatic family crises, and severe emotional strain. We try to serve them to the best of our ability, but every so often we need to ask for the help of our community. This is one of those times.

We have worked for the last eight years with a family who lives in a small town near College Station, TX. Cindy is a single mother who has been diligent and productive in seeking support and care for her four children, including her now 14-year-old son with autism and a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis (she also has a son in college and an 11-year-old son).

Tragically, Cindy’s daughter passed away three years ago; since then they have worked hard to address the emotional and financial hardships that have come their way. And now they face another tragedy: lightning struck their home on Tuesday and it caught on fire. One of the boys was home and managed to escape with the family dogs, but other pets perished in the fire and the home is destroyed. The family lost everything, including priceless mementos of their daughter.

While we can’t replace those precious items, we do want to help this family turn the tide on a tragic chain of events and help them rebuild and start what will hopefully be a happier phase of their lives. And this is where we hope our community can help.

We are collecting items to help this family get back on their feet. If you can help with any items from the following list, please let us know. Our staff will also be contributing and we will be driving out to see the family in nine days to take them the gifts we have collected.

One of the hallmarks of our community has always been empathy, spirit, and generosity. We thank you in advance for what we know will be an outpouring of love and kindness to lift this family up in their time of need.

Wish list:

The family currently does not have a place to live, so the most pressing needs are portable ones: clothing, toiletries, and games for the kids.

Once they have a place to live, they will need all of their household goods replaced.
Their car is also now out of commission, so transportation is an issue.

If ANYONE knows of a house or apartment in the Normangee area that may be available please let us know.

If anyone has the use of a reliable car that seats at least four that the family could use, or knows a mechanic in the area who can help repair their car, please let us know.

Current pressing needs:
- Clothing:
            Long pants: size 12 slim and 30/30
            Jackets: size 12-14 boys and 18 Boys or Adult Small
            Shoes and flip-flops: size 8 (preferably with Velcro) and size 6.5-7
- Shopping bags, suit cases
- Toiletries: Hair brushes, combs, toothbrushes, lotion, soap
- Towels, blankets, pillows
- Gift cards: HEB, Wal-Mart, Whole Foods, Amazon, Walgreens, CVS,
- School supplies, reusable lunch bags/boxes, Stainless Steel Water Bottles, Backpacks
- Electronics: Nintendo DS, video games (Godzilla, Shreck, Scooby Doo), computer/lap top

Once they have a semi-permanent location, they will need housewares: pots, pans, plates, and utensils. They will also need basic furniture (beds, lamps, tables and chairs).

Please contact us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or 512.732.8400 if you would like to help.

Update: Gift cards, clothing, toiletries, games, and notes of support can be delivered to our office and we will deliver to the family.
The Johnson Center for Child Health & Development
Attention: Family Support
1700 Rio Grande, Suite 200
Austin, TX 78701