News and Notes from The Johnson Center

Facts about Hemp Milk

JCCHD | Fri, October 18, 2013 | [Family and Food]

Hemp Milk

Contrary to what you may have heard, hemp is not synonymous with marijuana.  Although both are derived from cannabis plants, hemp has been bred over time to enhance its industrial uses, such as fuel, fiber, paper, seed, food, and oil. [3] The selective breeding resulted in a dramatic decrease in the psychoactive chemical (THC), and a higher concentration of the anti-psychoactive chemical (CBD).  Plants used to make hemp milk have 0.3% to 0% THC.  Many manufactures now guarantee 0% THC content. [1] 

Tetrahydrocannabinol vs. Cannibidiol

Scientific research suggests that CBD has a number of health benefits.  Our body has CBD receptors and uses the molecule to suppress pain and reduce inflammation. [4] Currently under investigation is the unique capability of CBD to “turn on” two-way impulse communication (most nerve impulses are one-way).  Two-way communication creates a feedback loop that balances immune, nerve, and bone functions. [5]

More about Health Benefits
Statistically, autistic children do not meet their recommended daily intake for calcium and vitamin D. [7] Hemp milk is high in both calcium and vitamin D.  Each plays a crucial role in the body.  Calcium is one of the key elements in muscle contraction, which is responsible for heart and other motor functions.  Deficiencies can lead to rickets, high cholesterol, and obesity. [6]  Vitamin D helps transfer calcium from bones to the bloodstream when levels are low. [2] Vitamin D also helps regulate glutathione levels, which may be a factor in children with autism. [7]

More healthy reasons to drink hemp milk:
• The vitamin B12 found in hemp milk helps fight off fatigue.
• Hemp milk also has magnesium, which will help your child fall asleep easier and faster.
• Research suggests that riboflavin, another hemp milk nutrient, may prevent migraines. [8]
• Phosphorous in hemp milk helps prevent loss of mineral density in bones. [9]

How to Make Hemp Milk
Hemp milk is easy to make, but takes some advance planning since the seeds need to soak overnight.  Total preparation time is 10 minutes.  You’ll need 5 cups of filtered water, 1 cup shelled hemp seeds, 2 tablespoons of honey (or agave nectar), and 3 pitted dates to make 6 cups.

The first step is to soak seeds in water overnight. Then, blend the strained hemp seeds and water on high for approximately 2 minutes, until frothy.  Filter the liquid through a nut-milk bag or cheesecloth, then blend with the remaining ingredients for another minute.  Filter the milk one more time, and enjoy.  You can refrigerate hemp milk for up to 4 days.
Now that you know the basics, try this good morning beverage.

Hemp Protein Smoothie
Modified from

Hemp smoothie

• 1 fresh ripe peach
• 1 ½ cups hemp milk, vanilla flavor
• 1 cup frozen papaya
• ½ cup frozen peaches
• ¼ cup peach coconut yogurt
• ½ cup coconut water ice cubes
• 1 frozen or fresh banana
• ¼ tsp salt
• 1 Tbsp honey or agave syrup

1. Blend all ingredients except the protein powder and fresh fruit.
2. Once smoothie is blended, add in the fresh fruit and blend for another few seconds until only tiny bits of the fruit can be seen.  Then add protein powder and blend for another few seconds.
a. Don’t over blend.  Your smoothie may get mushy. 
2. If you want a thicker smoothie, add more frozen fruit/ice.  Add more liquids for a thinner smoothie.

Printable recipe

Below is a twist on a summer favorite.

Hemp & Almond Milk Strawberry Frozen Yogurt
Modified from

Hemp & Almond Milk Strawberry Frozen Yogurt

• 5 medium organic strawberries*
• 1 ½ cups plain non-dairy yogurt
• 1 cup chilled unsweetened vanilla hemp milk
• 15 drops SweetLeaf Vanilla Crème Liquid Stevia
• 3 tbsp honey
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
• 6 tbsp strawberry rhubarb syrup**

*Can substitute frozen strawberries and skip the first step.
**Click the link for STRAWBERRY RHUBARB SYRUP RECIPE or add 2 additional tbsp of honey and a few pureed strawberries

Equipment needed:
Ice Cream Maker

1. Cut strawberries into ¼-inch chunks, spread on a plate, and place in freezer.
2. In blender, combine the rest of the ingredients.
3. Pour yogurt mixture into ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. When the yogurt mixture begins to stiffen, add the frozen strawberries.

Printable recipe

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